Apocalyptic Evangelism Course

We would like to ask for your prayers concerning something that is burning on our hearts. We believe the Lord has kindled in us an interest in reviving the Apocalyptic Evangelism Course that was originally proposed by Reggie and Art Katz in the 2001 Fall Ben Israel Newsletter. At that time, there was such opposition in the heavenlies that we literally gave up after our enthusiastic start.

We suspect that the principalities and powers that opposed then are still interested in keeping God’s people ignorant of these things, hence the request for prayer.

Our thought is to fill out the outline originally proposed (see below) and make it available here to “whosoever will”, at no cost. However, we see also Reggie traveling to fellowships that have an interest in having Reggie available for first hand instruction and impartation.

We have gathered together all the articles posted on this site over the last few years that are related to Apocalyptic Evangelism.

We recently recovered the printed material from the original Apocalyptic Evangelism course of 2001/2002 (many thanks to the brother that sent them). We have converted it to web format so that the Scripture References will be easier to access. Note that the printable PDF’s are also available for download next to each lesson.

Module 1:

  1. What is Apocalyptic Evangelism? [PDF]
  2. What Difference Does It Make How Christians View Prophecy? [PDF]
  3. The National Hope in Context [PDF] (part of a larger piece called
    The Historic Impasse Between Church and Synagogue”)
  4. The Hebraic View of Prophecy [PDF]
  5. The Significance of Jerusalem in Prophecy [PDF]

Module 2:

  1. Restoring the Context: Pt. 2 [PDF]
  2. The Key of the Mystery of Israel in the Reign of Grace [PDF]

Reggie added a bit of insight into the vision for this course in this video taken at the 2013 Convocation.

Here is the original announcement from the Fall 2001 Ben Israel Newsletter:

“Apocalyptic Evangelism”

[Art Katz wrote the following] We are announcing our plans to open a school of study through a correspondence program designed to equip non-Jewish believers to inform and challenge unbelieving and unsuspecting Jews to consider the pending threat of the calamities of the Last Days, “the time of Jacob’s trouble.” Internet access would be an advantage, though not a pre-requisite.

The contents of the course would be best conducted in a home or house group where an amiable relationship of trust has hopefully been established. The believer’s intention is to bring a sober alert in love and to encourage his hearers to the ultimate place of safety that salvation in Jesus brings. The critical key is the examination and employment of prophetic Scripture. By this, past prophecies literally fulfilled in Israel’s history, encourage the hearers to consider the divine inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible (a view unknown to most Jews who traditionally consider the Bible a cultural achievement of Israel itself) and therefore a confident harbinger for the future. If that credibility can be established, then the Jewish inquirer can be asked to consider those messianic prophecies already fulfilled by Jesus as a basis for a faith unto salvation!

We are contemplating seven monthly lessons beginning Jan 1st 2002, with required readings and the hearing and critiquing of appropriate tapes and articles available from our resources or website. In a word, we aim to induct our students into the particular perspective the Lord has granted us with a competence and confidence that can as ably share with Jews as effectively as we, being Jewish, would ourselves. Their monthly written responses will be evaluated, graded and returned with each student being invited for a final seminar at Ben Israel concluding with a time of prayer and ordination. We would then remain in continuing relationship with each “graduating” student to give practical help and answers to questions that arise from their actual engagement with their Jewish contacts. An excellent preparation would be to communicate this material to one’s own fellowship or smaller bible study group before engaging Jews over the same material. This will give to others an increased confidence in their own witness to Jewish acquaintances and also deepen the ability of the sharing teacher.

The suggested cost, which includes all our own required books and tapes, would be $700. This would include the 3-5 day concluding seminar at Ben Israel. For out of the country students and those unable to attend, the cost will be $500. While Reggie Kelly will be the principal designer of the course, evaluating and responding to all the students, he will be aided by myself in those areas in which I have a particular competence and knowledge in experience with Jewish kinsmen over the years. We intend to uphold each student in prayer at our regular prayer meetings and solicit wisdom from the Body in such needs as the intensive communication with them will reveal. The following are some suggested topics to be considered:

1. A comprehensive overview of the prophetic future pertaining to Israel and world Jewry yet unfulfilled.

2. The validity of prophecy as already fulfilled in history. The issue of inerrancy, divine inspiration and interpretation of the prophetic word; past, present, future.

3. Traditional Jewish objections to Jesus as Messiah reviewed and answered.

4. Examining and comparing the traditional Jewish humanistic mindset with the divine perspective as expressed in the Psalms, prophets. Introducing biblical thought forms.

5. The theocratic Kingdom as central to the apostolic overview. The opposition of the Principalities and Powers expressed in its rage against God and the desire for Jewish annihilation. The paradigm of the crucifixion of Jesus as “King” as prelude to a Last Days’ persecution and suffering that precedes the glory.

6. The provision of God’s Life through the Spirit. The reality of Pentecost as present provision. Considering the Triune as against the traditional monotheistic view of God.

7. Understanding the Church as remnant as distinguished from its institutional counterpart. Examining Ephesians 2, Romans 11, Psalm 102 and other related texts.

8. The Holocaust: Answering Jewish perplexity and disappointment in God. Introducing the Deuteronomic view of blessing and curse, sin and judgment, chastisement and exaltation. Israel’s crucified and risen Messiah as paradigm for the future nation.

9. Jewish Feast Days and their spiritual and present significance. The inheritance of all God’s people.

10. Practical tips in relating to Jewish inquirers, fielding their responses, bearing their anger and insult with patience and magnanimity, compassion and courage. How to invite response, commitment and prayer.

From the Pen of Reggie Kelly

The lessons will aim to prepare students to declare and defend the great prophetic themes that are distinctive and central to our calling as the church of the Last Days. Many who rejoice in the truth that has reached them through this ministry express a hunger for greater clarity, definition, and skill in the defense of that truth. For as many as are committed to “prove all things,” and who seek to set forth their case with the fullest evidence, we invite your participation and support in the development of a lesson guide and resource curriculum to be used in time by other students as a training tool and resource manual.

Course work will entail prescribed and recommended reading, guidance and commentary in elective research, and interactive question-and-answer correspondence through email. Each monthly lesson will conclude with summary and review questions, and a modest written assignment.

A minimal amount of written work, if painful for some, is enormously useful in drawing out a student’s personal findings and insights. Writing facilitates the thoughtful articulation of one’s position. And just as important, the short essay or report may helpfully inform and refine future treatment of a subject. In this way, each student may contribute towards a clearer and more complete statement “of the things most surely believed among us.” In such a school as we believe the Lord has in mind, it will be truest “iron sharpening iron.”

We seriously request prayer, as by faith we set forward in this formative and somewhat experimental first run.

Appreciatively in Him,

Reggie Kelly

Mystery of Israel
Reflections on the Mystery of Israel and the Church... by Reggie Kelly

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God’s Foretold Work

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  • Weekly fellowship over the Word with the GFW crew on the ‘God’s Foretold Work’ YouTube Channel. We go LIVE on most Saturday nights at 7:30 PM EST to explore the “at hand” and “not yet” nature of the Kingdom of God as it relates to the mystery of Israel and the Church.

Glory of the Story Podcast

Sam Parsons and Reggie Kelly have been working on a Podcast called “The Glory of the Story”.

“The beauty of God’s work throughout history to glorify Christ
“Glory of the Story explores the beauty that God has invested in the outworking of his story throughout history. We talk about the end times, eschatology, Israel, election, grace and most importantly God’s glory.”

Check it out HERE.


Mystery of Israel

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Click HERE to go directly to the Mystery of Israel YouTube Channel.

2020-23 Convocations

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Videos from the 2020 and 2021 Convocations in Bemidji MN can be found on this YouTube Channel.

Search Mystery of Israel (Not working yet)

We’re working on getting Google to recognize the site in its new location. It has been a challenge. Once that happens this search should better than the one at the top of the page.