Do you know how long the Jews have not believed in Adamic sin being imputed? How modern is that notion? You ask an interesting question on the Jewish rejection of the imputation of Adam’s sin. I don’t think there was ever a time when rabbinic Judaism has not rejected the […]
The Mystery of Anti-Semitism
“. . . there is no doubt about one hard and fast conclusion: the grip of anti-Semitism on the inhabitants of Planet Earth 70 years after the Holocaust remains powerful and perhaps impervious to reason. Why single out one of the world’s tiniest populations for such hatred? To that question, […]
Zion’s Inviolability: Jerusalem as a Place of Refuge?
This guy believes that there will be a remnant physically and spiritually saved during the Great Tribulation in Jerusalem. What is your take on this?
Revelation 11:13 (Rev 11:13) combined with Zech 14:2 show that despite the flooding (Isa 28:2; 59:19; Dan 9:26, 11:22), the desolations (Lev 26:31-32; Isa 51:17, 19-20; 64:10-11; Dan 8:13; 9:27; 11:31; 12:11; Mt 24:15; Lk 21:20), the treading down (Isa 28:18; 63:18; Dan 8:13; Lk 21:24; Rev 11:2), and the pillaging and raping by the predatory forces of Antichrist (Zech 14:1-2), remarkably, there will yet remain in Jerusalem a Jewish remnant that survives up to the time of Christ’s return at the day of the Lord. This is astonishing when we consider that Jerusalem will then be the very headquarters of the Antichrist (Dan 11:45). I can only attribute such supernatural survival to the protection of the two witnesses, as scripture makes it very plain that their ministry is concurrent, not with the first half of Daniel’s seventieth week, but the last 3 1/2 years (Rev 8:11-12 with Rev 11:12-15).
According to Eze 22:18-22, it is God Himself who gathers the Diaspora back into the city of Jerusalem for the final purging that leads to the national cleansing that fits the survivors of Israel for their enduring millennial inheritance (Isa 4:2-4). This time of final purging (Eze 20:38; Amos 9:9-10) is clearly the last 3 1/2 years, known as Jacob’s trouble and the great tribulation (compare Jer 30:7 with Dan 12:1; Mt 24:21). From this last and most severe time of covenant discipline, the survivors of Israel will all know the Lord from the least to the greatest (Isa 54:13; 59:21; 60:21; Jer 31:31), never again to be plucked up or afflicted by the children of wickedness (2Sam 7:10; Jer 31:40; Amos 9:15).
This means that the present slogan, “never again” (being so recently proclaimed again before the U.N. Assembly), is tragically premature and ominous for its presumption. However much the godly heart must break and lament at the horrifying report (Isa 28:19), it is a non-negotiable fact of scripture that until the day of final deliverance, Israel is a nation appointed to judgment, precisely because of its high covenant calling and election (Amos 3:2; Ro 11:29).
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When is The Hour & Who is Kept from It
I appreciate so much your willingness dear brother, so these are my questions: 1.– Acts 3:21 says “The heaven must receive Lord Jesus until the times of restoration of all things which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from acient times” On the other hand the Lord […]
He Shall Become Strong With a Small People
Would you go as far to say that this is the type of figure (see the linked article) we are looking for to fulfill the role of the Anti Christ? This is indeed the ‘kind’ of fellow who could “come up and become strong with a small people” (Dan 11:23; […]
Thoughts on Faith
The grace of believing God is a supreme gift that is beyond our natural ability, but it is also not left up to us. Though the will be ever so present with us, to truly believe God is a gift that, no less than grace itself, is also “not of […]
Featured Article: One or Two Peoples of God? Reflections on the Mystery of Israel and the Church
By Reggie Kelly (This post is a “reprint” of one of the original articles of this site) The time of the rapture is really a secondary outgrowth of dispensationalism’s distinctive doctrine of the church, which derives from their own peculiar and novel view of ‘the mystery.’ It is a false […]
The Way the Prophets Understood Prophecies of the Antichrist
I‘ve referred to this before, but it has been too little noticed how not only later prophets such as Jeremiah and Daniel, but Isaiah himself was aware of a typology within his own prophecy that was known to point to a greater consummation beyond the contemporary threat (in his case, […]
Antiochus was Never a Little Horn
I don’t think anyone’s calling attention to something that should be in the first place most obvious, but have never seen a commentator even question it. It’s like the emperor that had no clothes, or the forest that gets lost for the over focus on the trees. We should be […]
The Bride, the Wife of the Lamb
“Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and spoke with me, saying, ‘Come here, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.’” – Rev. 21:9 I would like to hear your explanation as to why “bride” […]