I think the ‘crux interpretum’ in any discussion of the timing and severity of “Jacob’s Trouble” is Dan 12:1-2. Jesus’ manifest use of Daniel’s prophecy in Mt 24:15, 21 is decisive. The key is to note the similarity of language and terms used by the later prophets to build on […]
Meat in Due Season
My constant prayer is that the Lord would “make the vision plain upon tables,” and that He will open our eyes to the essence of things and the connection of things, so that we don’t miss the glory of His wisdom and handiwork in all its many sided parts. Hopefully […]
Ezekiel 39:26 – Is This “Security” Millennial, or Pre-Tribulational?
I’m wondering if you could solve a mystery for me. Ezekiel 39.26 translates “dwell” in the past tense while NASB (and most newer translations) translate it in the present tense as below: 26 After they have borne their shame, and all their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to Me, […]
Distinguishing The Peace We Are Looking For
There wasn’t anything allegorical about the recent events in Israel. These are concrete reality out-workings of the eschatology of the covenant appearing before our eyes. – “Doc” So true. It’s the age ending conclusion to the quarrel that began in Abraham’s tents. Ezekiel calls it “the everlasting hatred” (Eze 35:5; […]
The Abomination of Desolation in 2013?
If one sees no need for a peace arrangement that fulfills Dan 9:27; 11:23 and the covenant with death and hell (Isa 28:15, 18) that provides for Israel’s declaration of “peace and safety” (1Thes 5:3), and IF the revelation of the Antichrist is NOT (as I’m persuaded) at the threshold of the abomination in connection with Satan’s dejection by Michael in the middle of the week (Dan 12:1 with Rev 12:7-14). In other words, if the AC can appear completely independently of these preliminary events, then, of course, he’s subject to just appear at anytime. But then what events would distinguish his parousia? Surely, at very minimum, you’d agree it would be his violation of the holy place at Jerusalem.
Apart from such preliminary signal events, the revelation of the Antichrist can be just whenever anyone’s dates suggest that he’s on the scene. Apart from something tangible, as Paul’s identification of his appearing with standing in the temple, then its up for grabs and what is there to distinguish his presence? If the temple of God is NOT the holy place in Judea, then we may suppose the AC appears when he stands up in the church, or in the Holy See at Rome, and forces worship on Sunday, demanding worship on pain of death, as in the view of the replacement oriented 7th day adventists.
Questions Regarding the Antichrist in Daniel 11
I’m “squeezing” the Videos on Daniel due to the study of Daniel here with the group of men in my church. I have been blessed tremendously by them and able to show some of the things that I have learned. Next week we are going to enter Daniel 11, and […]
You Have Multiplied Your Slain In This City
I’m looking at how Ezekiel 11 opens with the inviolability of Zion (“the protective caldron”) and then the glory begins moving slowly from the temple, finally leaving the city to rest on the Mount of Olives. Then I came across a note that, according to rabbinic tradition, the glory rested […]
Featured Article: The Key of the Mystery in the Reign of Grace
By Reggie Kelly (This post is a “reprint” of one of the original articles of this site) Note: Art Katz expounded the following paper in a 3 message series (K-183, K-184 and K-185 Grace and the Election of Israel) at the 2000 Prophetic School. In his majestic survey of salvation […]
The Servant that Will Speak to Jacob in His Distress
Since judgment must begin at the house of God, nothing should be more sobering for the church’s consideration than the clear truth that one declared purpose of the coming unequaled tribulation is to bring Jacob to the end of his power (Deut 32:36; Dan 12:7). It is very significant that […]
When They Say “Peace and Safety,” Then Comes Sudden Destruction
You mentioned “According to Isa 28 and a number or scriptures, Jewish religious success in the Land will be at an all time high when the Antichrist strikes unexpectedly.” Isa 28 speaks of the covenant with death made by the leaders of the nation, but where does it talk about […]