I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Mt 5:20 We need to seek the Lord concerning the best means to turn this apocalyptic perspective among the orthodox to the […]
The Gentile Gap Between His Appearings
I’ve been listening to your commentary on Isaiah 28 and you said at one point: “Didn’t He tell you He would make you jealous by a foolish people?” and “Didn’t He tell you that while He’s hiding his face there is a secret….?” I know the first is from Dt […]
Restoration of the Natural Branches to the Living Root
There is no separation between church and Israel. Distinction yes. Separation no! That is something I’d like to say just a little about to prepare you for a comparatively rare view that I believe may go some way towards resolving much of the confusion that reigns over the mystery of […]
Who is the 4th Kingdom of Daniel 2 and the 4th Beast of Daniel 7?
Reggie, I’m trying to understand the fourth kingdom of Daniel 2 and the fourth beast of Daniel 7. Is that kingdom partially Rome in chapter 2 and also refer to the last kingdom where the antichrist is, or, does that kingdom exclusively refer to the last kingdom where antichrist appears? […]
Recommended Scriptures on the Rapture Question
Can you send me a few scriptures that reveal that pre-tribulation rapture is also a deception? One of my friends must have been reading a book other than the Bible lately concerning this issue. I can make a few suggestions right off hand, and perhaps look about for something brief […]
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
Love believes and hopes all things. I sometimes think that the best tact to take is to present our case, not with caustic or strident tones of dogmatism, but a kind of, “what would you have me do with this evidence from the scripture?” “How would you better harmonize these texts?” In the end, there is only one finally decisive question; it is, “What saith the Scripture?” To quote a dear friend, “What does the text SAYYYY?!” By the way, that friend, whom you may know, Paul Volk, has very recently written the best little booklet on this subject that I have personally ever seen. It is titled, “What Do You Mean By That?: A Brief Guide to Interpreting Scripture.” I wish it had been the first book on that subject that I read after my salvation. It would have saved me a lot of grief. […]
The New and Everlasting Covenant
Would you say that the “everlasting covenant” is synonymous with the “new covenant,” and are there any details you would give to fill in the meaning of that covenant? I would say that there is no difference. In the prophets the Everlasting / New Covenant (‘covenant of peace’ etc.) is […]
A Brief Case for the Futurity of the Thousand Years
We should also point out that the “greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven” (Dan 7:27) that will one day “fill the whole earth” (Dan 2:35) is shown in Dan 2:44 to come “in the days of these kings.” This is very significant, because at the time John wrote […]
Seated in Heavenly Places
I have used Dan 7:11 with Rev 19:20 to point out to those who hold the amillennial view that we cannot be in the millennium now, since the first resurrection happens in obvious connection with the destruction of the ‘final’ beast (Dan 7:11 with Rev 19:20) and the resurrection of […]
Difficult Millennial Questions
I can’t find a verse in the NT that describes sacrifices during the millennium? Indeed, we look in vain to find millennial sacrifices mentioned in the NT, but it is also not surprising. The NT is not interested to repeat all the great detail that the prophets describe of the […]