[This statement is added to an earlier article of the same title] I have just read another article of urgency warning of an imminent war, which I do not doubt, but what concerns me is that attached to this ever present, and now even probable possibility, is the expectation that […]
Future Calamity to Israel and Genesis 9:11
I am having difficulty reconciling Genesis 9:11 and the interpretation that calamity to Israel is yet in the future. Either Genesis 9:11 should be literally interpreted as covering the Earth only with water and no other means [such as fire, earthquake, …] or is such a total calamity as we […]
The Third that Survives the Tribulation
How did Mr. Katz view the return of the 1/3 Jews to Jerusalem in regards to the Lord’s return? In other words, when the 1/3 surviving remnant Jews return mourning and sighing, will Christ be physically present on earth for a thousand years? Or, does Christ physically return after the […]
Seeing Jacob in His Struggle – with a Father’s Heart
… if God is the biblical God, and Israel is his text book to the nations, it is not possible they can ever win [a great military victory] while in their unbelieving condition. If they can [win], everything I have ever learned goes out the window. Art always had it […]
Israel: God’s Chosen People?
I believe it is important that we affirm that the Jews, despite their current disobedience, are “the chosen people”. The age ends by a great international conflict called, “the controversy of Zion” (Isa 34:8; Zech 12:2-3; see the paper on my website recently found and posted, called, “The Significance of […]
The Near-Far Interpretation of Prophecy
[…] In every context where the eschatological day of the Lord is in view, there is usually a near and a far fulfillment. This is seen most clearly by the simple fact that the messianic salvation, everywhere identified with a climactic post tribulational day of the Lord, simply did not happen. A view of the inerrancy of the inspired scripture, will, of course, demand that a gap be recognized between the past, near and partial fulfillment, and a future fulfillment that is complete and exhaustive.
Even if you happen to deny a distinct future for natural Israel, and even if you are prone to interpret scripture allegorically, one is still obliged to recognize that the promised messianic salvation did not come until much later with the advent of Jesus. Beyond the earnest and first fruits (the “already”) of Israel’s promised salvation, there remains the “not yet” of a yet future day of the Lord that will accomplish “the restoration of all things spoken by the prophets” (Acts 3:21; Ro 11:25-29).
[Note: The difference between pre-mill and a-mill eschatology is simply the question of how much of Israel’s promised salvation came in with the revelation of the gospel? All or part? […] […]
Antiochus IV Epiphanes
Dear Reggie, As we seek to understand the prophecy in Daniel regarding the career of Antichrist and where it begins, I continue to get questions about the transition between Ch. 11:21 and 23 and why we are not giving any of this to fulfillment by Antiochus IV Epiphanes. We speak […]
New Course | The Five Visions of Daniel
As of this weekend, all of the videos from the Sept 2010 Convocation regarding the prophet Daniel have now been posted on YouTube. (If there may be a few straggler segments we will update as necessary.) We have made mention of each session here as they have been posted, but we fear that as additional articles are put up over the coming weeks or months, this foundational material will get buried and neglected. Therefore it has been assembled and cross-linked so that it can more readily be found in it’s entirety.
In the banner at the top of every Mystery-of-Israel page there is a new section called “Courses” replacing the older section called “Apocalyptic Evangelism Course.” This new link references the still-in-progress work called “Apocalyptic Evangelism,” but now also the completed course on The Five Visions of Daniel.
The graphic above appears on each page of the course, so that easy reference to other chapters is available. We hope to link relevant articles and commentary to the appropriate lessons as time permits.
Our prayer is that this great book will open up afresh to God’s saints, and that they will find renewed confidence in His Word, His character and His glorious Name.
When You See The Abomination – Daniel 11-12 (Video)
A complete session of the Video from September’s “People Prepared” Convocation on Daniel Chapters 11-12 is now available on YouTube. A direct link is found below:
Chapters Eleven & Twelve (click/tap here if you see nothing below)
Phil Norcom and Reggie Kelly lead a discussion on the fifth and final vision of the book of Daniel. These last sessions, covering Daniel Chapters 10-12 contain the verses spoken of by Jesus when He referenced the “‘abomination that causes desolation’ spoken of by the prophet Daniel. Let the reader understand.”
The king who exalts himself – Daniel 10-11 (Video)
A complete session of the Video from September’s “People Prepared” Convocation on Daniel Chapters 10-11 is now available on YouTube. A direct link is found below:
Chapters Ten and Eleven (click/tap here if you see nothing below)
Phil Norcom and Reggie Kelly lead a discussion on the fifth and final vision of the book of Daniel. These last sessions, covering Daniel Chapters 10-12 contain the verses spoken of by Jesus when He referenced the “‘abomination that causes desolation’ spoken of by the prophet Daniel. Let the reader understand.”