Content in category Video

This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached [Video]

This message is from the 2012 Olivet Convocation in Ohio. Phil Norcom and Andrew Neal talked about the statement of Jesus on the Mount of Olives, that “this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness, and then the end shall come.” Mt 24:14

(1hr: 46min)

Jerusalem: The City of the Great King [Video]

This message is from the 2012 Olivet Convocation in Ohio. Philip Haney talks about Jerusalem… that city destined to sift the nations.

(1hr: 24min)

When You See the Abomination… [Video]

Phil Norcom expounds on this important warning from the lips of Jesus, “When you see the abomination that causes desolation flee to the hills of Judea…” The discussion will also look towards the book of Daniel for understanding as the Lord directed in this verse. This teaching is from the 2012 Convocation in Madison, Ohio.

[For PC & Mac: Clicking the “Playlist” button will show all the parts of this particular playlist (in our case all the parts of the “session”) for the convenience of switching from one part to another. For mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, etc.), only Part 1 will play above: Visit our YouTube Channel to view Parts 1-5]
(2hr: 16min)

Joseph, Jesus and the Jewish People [Video]

Don’t miss this message is from the 2011 Wilderness Convocation in PA. Mark Klafter expounds on the parallels between the Genesis account of Joseph, and the relationship between Jesus and His estranged Jewish brethren.

[For PC & Mac: Clicking the “Playlist” button will show all the parts of this particular playlist (in our case all the parts of the “session”) for the convenience of switching from one part to another. For mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, etc.), only Part 1 will play above: Visit our YouTube Channel to view Parts 1-4]
(1hr: 58min)

Gentile Encounter with the Jew [Video]

This message is from the 2011 Wilderness Convocation in PA. Mark Klafter addresses a largely Gentile gathering regarding their coming encounter with the Jewish people in the wilderness of the nations.

[For PC & Mac: Clicking the “Playlist” button will show all the parts of this particular playlist (in our case all the parts of the “session”) for the convenience of switching from one part to another. For mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, etc.), only Part 1 will play above: Visit our YouTube Channel to view Parts 1-7]
(1hr: 39min)

Zion or Babylon? Will the Real Jerusalem Please Stand Up (Video)

This message is from the 2012 Olivet Convocation in Ohio. Mark Klafter speaks about the Mystery of Israel in this message ‘Zion or Babylon? Will the Real Jerusalem Please Stand Up.’

[For PC & Mac: Clicking the “Playlist” button will show all the parts of this particular playlist (in our case all the parts of the “session”) for the convenience of switching from one part to another. For mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, etc.), only Part 1 will play above: Visit our YouTube Channel to view Parts 1-6]
(2hr: 30min)

The Time for the Unsealing of the Vision [Video]

This message is from the 2011 Wilderness Encounter Convocation in Pennsylvania. Reggie Kelly and Travis Bennett speak from Daniel 9 and 11 and present an overview of God’s purpose for the Gap of the Gentiles, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble and the Day of the Lord.

[For PC & Mac: Clicking the “Playlist” button will show all the parts of this particular playlist (in our case all the parts of the “session”) for the convenience of switching from one part to another. For mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, etc.), only Part 1 will play above: Visit our YouTube Channel to view Parts 1-6]

After the Darkness [Video]

This is the final climactic message from the recent Olivet Convocation in Madison, Ohio. Travis Bennett spoke to us from Matthew 24, Revelation and other passages, to reveal to us something of the heart of God, and the Glory of the age to come. Reggie Kelly is also heard in this message as well as questions and comments from various attendees of the conference. Do NOT miss Part 4!

Olivet: The Last Teaching of Jesus [Video]

This is the opening message is from the recent Olivet Convocation in Madison, Ohio. Phil Norcom spoke from Matthew 24. Reggie Kelly and Mark Klafter are also heard in this message as well as questions and comments from various attendees of the conference.

[For PC & Mac: Clicking the “Playlist” button and will show all the parts of this particular playlist (in our case all the parts of the “session”) for the convenience of switching from one part to another. For mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, etc.), only Part 1 will play above: Visit our YouTube Channel to view Parts 1-7]

The Climax of the Covenant [Video]

This message is from the 2012 Olivet Convocation in Madison, Ohio. Reggie spoke from Matthew 24, Daniel and other passages. Travis Bennett is also heard in this message as well as questions and comments from various attendees of the conference. The following is a quote from the message:

“Get ready for our own humblings. God is not going to send a stuffy, ‘we were right,’ ‘told you so,’ Church to Israel. He’s going to send a people who are like blinded Samson, who recover strength by the grace of God, having been deeply humbled.” – Reggie Kelly


Mystery of Israel
Reflections on the Mystery of Israel and the Church... by Reggie Kelly

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God’s Foretold Work

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  • Weekly fellowship over the Word with the GFW crew on the ‘God’s Foretold Work’ YouTube Channel. We go LIVE on most Saturday nights at 7:30 PM EST to explore the “at hand” and “not yet” nature of the Kingdom of God as it relates to the mystery of Israel and the Church.


Mystery of Israel

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Click HERE to go directly to the Mystery of Israel YouTube Channel.

2020-23 Convocations

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Videos from the 2020 and 2021 Convocations in Bemidji MN can be found on this YouTube Channel.

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We’re working on getting Google to recognize the site in its new location. It has been a challenge. Once that happens this search should better than the one at the top of the page.