Meat in Due Season

My constant prayer is that the Lord would “make the vision plain upon tables,” and that He will open our eyes to the essence of things and the connection of things, so that we don’t miss the glory of His wisdom and handiwork in all its many sided parts. Hopefully this will make it easier for people to see, and believers to communicate that connection and how the scriptures fit together “line upon line, here a little and there a little.”

Not to let this note of thanks get too long, but I will say that the Lord has opened some things to me concerning the ‘meat in due season’ out of Isa 28. {Editor’s NOTE: Listen to Reggie’s commentary on Isaiah 28 HERE} I believe this is the background for the NT language used, not only by Jesus, but Paul and Peter for the milk versus meat analogy for maturity in insight and doctrine (Luke 12:42-43; Isa 28:9 with 1Cor 3:2; Heb 5:12, 14; 1Pet 2:2).

The context requires a farther fulfillment than the imminent Assyrian threat in Isaiah’s day. It assumes a covenant with death has been made with the last oppressor, of whom the Assyrian was only a type (Isa 28:15, 18). This seems evident, since the kingdom comes at this time (Isa 28:5). The language of the overflowing scourge and the treading down of Jerusalem matches perfectly the language used in other places for the last flooding of the Land and the 42 month treading down of Jerusalem. It appears that God has chosen to send foreigners to plead with the leaders of Jerusalem concerning this ill-fated covenant and misplaced confidence. It is a testimony that will be for the moment rejected and scorned, in no small part because the credibility of its unqualified source is discounted.

Though summarily dismissed, it will be, nonetheless, a prophetic testimony of substantial and compelling evidence, such to make the rulers in Jerusalem (rulers of the orthodox I would assume) much more accountable, since it will be used of God to impress them deeply after the warning comes to pass with terrible accuracy. It will be the end stage of the prophetic mystery that came to full light in the gospel (Isa 28:12, 16). We know that the gospel was in its first form a mystery contained in the writings of the prophets (Ro 16:25-26). And though fully foretold in those writings (Acts 3:18-21; 26:22; 1Pet 1:11), its revelation was reserved for a set time (Mk 8:30; 9:9; 1Cor 2:7-8). That secret, now revealed, is to be made known “by” those same prophetic scriptures, to all nations, effecting an obedience of faith, all of which is according to the command (ordained purpose) of the everlasting God (Ro 16:25-26). Israel’s accountability becomes much greater in the face of such compelling evidence from their own prophetic scriptures that make such perfect sense of their history, both past and present. I boldly believe it will be this prophetic testimony of the gospel in full context that will be an important reason why this coming holocaust will have a different end from all others throughout history.

The language of stammering lips and another tongue, though used by Paul to speak of the gift of heavenly mysteries, was an idiom used for gentile invaders (Deut 28:49-50 with Isa 33:19). Here it is used of those who come, as in Jer 4:16 as prophetic witnesses, “watchers from a far county to give out their voice (prophetically) against the cities of Judah” (“let them which be in Judea flee”). It is the earnest pleading and prophetic protestation of gentile witnesses, using the prophetic scriptures, not only to warn of imminent disaster, but to demonstrated the gospel out of the OT, as Paul understood that he had received commandment to do (Ro 16:25-26).

They will bring to Israel the prophetic revelation of another kind of righteous, a righteousness that endures forever, as over against a presumed righteousness that can never attain to divine acceptance and final peace in the Land. This will be at first very hard to hear, since at this time, the righteousness of the law / flesh will seem most vindicated with the great prosperity and security that Ezekiel’s prophecy anticipates (Eze 38:8, 11-14), particularly since they have recovered the place of temple and sacrifice, against all odds. It will all come down, and it is this prophetic testimony in the mouth of faithful servants that will at length turn to their salvation. What a day is now so near at hand!

Must close for now, but there’s so much to this. You saints have made my day and truly served my spirit in the Holy Ghost. Your continued prayers are so much coveted as truest treasure.

His kindness be sweetly with your spirit, Reggie

Filed under
Apocalyptic Evangelism, Isaiah, Israel and the Church, Jacob's Trouble
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  1. […] so. This is precisely my point in Isa 28 where the authentic prophetic voice (the church, the pillar and ground of truth, contrary to […]
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