I have heard you say that Satan is the “restrainer”. How can this be? Wouldn’t this put the timing of the end into Satan’s hands instead of God the Father, Who is sovereign over all? You are not alone in mistaking my meaning. Let me be clear: I do not […]
Thoughts on the Timing of the Lord’s Return (with Joel Richardson) – [VIDEO]
Reggie had a good discussion recently with Joel Richardson concerning the timing of the return of the Lord in relation to the Millennium: Pre-mill, Post-mill, A-mill. We certainly look forward to further visits with Joel.
The Underground Episode 43: Discussing Premillennialism with Reggie Kelly from Joel Richardson on Vimeo.
Israel, the Church and the One New Man
I have always taught that the church is not separate from Israel. It is however obviously distinct from Israel, in the same way that the prophets distinguished between the nation in its apostasy and the righteous remnant. Distinct but NOT separate! To my mind, the church, as I see the […]
When the LORD Brought Again the Captivity of Zion
I am contemplating the church’s necessary awakening to the necessary birth of the millennial nation of the long resistant natural branches, that great ‘without which not’ of the kingdom come on earth. But without this awakening, how will the church know its role as prophet priest intercessor and mid-wife in […]
Apocalyptic Righteousness – [VIDEO]
What kind of righteousness have we been brought into in Christ? In this segment Reggie probes the nature of Israel’s righteousness “in That Day”, and… by extension… our righteousness now.
From the Saturday night Bible Studies, this Session was on Isaiah 17.
“Never Again”
When the general boasts that the IDF is sufficient guarantee that the nation will “never again” suffer another Holocaust, it is nothing new. But surely there is a tragic prophetic irony to be detected when he unconsciously casts the ill-fated promise in the very language of scripture (“no weapon or intent formed against you will prosper”). Whether secular or religious, it is this deep humanism, by no means peculiar to Israel, that condemns the favored nation to another and another, simply because it is the object of God’s special election.
“They Were Longing for a Better Country, A Heavenly One”
What could be more “heavenly” than a country whose inhabitants transcend death and inherit God Himself?
That this should be in a literal Land that is inherited “forever” is no contradiction at all.
Even if we discover by ‘progressive revelation’ that the Land will someday be transcended by a new heavens and earth, this does not make the thousand year reign of Christ on earth, or the promise of an eternal inheritance of the Land any less heavenly.
The Waters of Shiloah vs The Waters of “The River”
You rightly point out that the comparison between the stream and the river [in Isaiah 8:6-8] is a comparison between kingdoms and the nature and disposition by which they rule, as seen in 2Sam 22:3-4 & Ps 72:4, 6, as gentle and just, as over against the arbitrary will of […]
Dispensationalism and the Reversal of Pentecost
If we can interpret and establish Rom. 11:15 “……what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?” to be the same time that the “dead in Christ” are raised, then is it settled that there can be no pre-trib rapture, since the resurrection of the “dead in […]
The Judge Is Already Standing at the Door
On the question of the time statements, I have written much off and on and really need to collect those observations as many of them, though alive in my spirit, are not all fresh to my memory. But I have written of the unique nature of how the scriptures view […]