This is a 3 minute segment from a recent Bible Study, in which Reggie makes a succinct and powerful statement on how God can take the Church from it’s present weakened condition to spoil the principalities and powers. (It takes about a minute for Tom to formulate the question that got him going. Hang in there.)
Thoughts on Priestliness and Rest – [Video]
This is a 2 min excerpt on the subject of priestliness and living out of the place of rest and security in God. Taken from a study on Shiloh in early 2014 in the “God’s Foretold Work” weekly series. Full session HERE.
Thoughts on Faith
The grace of believing God is a supreme gift that is beyond our natural ability, but it is also not left up to us. Though the will be ever so present with us, to truly believe God is a gift that, no less than grace itself, is also “not of […]
I Will Remove the Iniquity of that Land in One Day – [Video]
Reggie Kelly opened chapters 3 and 4 of the book of Zechariah in this session from the 2013 Convocation. He struck a number of chords, such as the filthy garments of Joshua, and the mountain that should be made a plain, and wove them together with both personal experiences and the mystery of Israel and the Church.
A number of other videos from the 2013 Zechariah Convocation have also been posted on the Convocation 2013 PAGE.
Featured Article: One or Two Peoples of God? Reflections on the Mystery of Israel and the Church
By Reggie Kelly (This post is a “reprint” of one of the original articles of this site) The time of the rapture is really a secondary outgrowth of dispensationalism’s distinctive doctrine of the church, which derives from their own peculiar and novel view of ‘the mystery.’ It is a false […]
The Logic of the Covenant [Audio]
In this conversation, Reggie unpacks what he calls “The Logic of the Covenant,” a bullet point of one of the “Apocalyptic Evangelism” Outlines.
[audio src= width="400" height="30"]
The Way the Prophets Understood Prophecies of the Antichrist
I‘ve referred to this before, but it has been too little noticed how not only later prophets such as Jeremiah and Daniel, but Isaiah himself was aware of a typology within his own prophecy that was known to point to a greater consummation beyond the contemporary threat (in his case, […]
Antiochus was Never a Little Horn
I don’t think anyone’s calling attention to something that should be in the first place most obvious, but have never seen a commentator even question it. It’s like the emperor that had no clothes, or the forest that gets lost for the over focus on the trees. We should be […]
The Bride, the Wife of the Lamb
“Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and spoke with me, saying, ‘Come here, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.’” – Rev. 21:9 I would like to hear your explanation as to why “bride” […]
Why is Eschatology Important?
Brethren, we need teachers that are also prophetic, not just in what they teach, but in what they “see.” It is one thing to answer objections and opposing views tit for tat in point and counterpoint argumentation from the evidence of the scriptures. It is another thing to make a […]