Isaiah 63:10-19 10 But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them. 11 Then he remembered the days of old, Moses, and his people, saying, Where is he that brought them up out of the sea with the […]
Who Is ‘Left Behind’ After The Rapture?
Hello Reggie: As for the destruction of those who take the mark of the beast. What is your scriptural basis that they will be physically killed upon the return of Jesus? I will come to your more specific question, but first I would like to ask what many ask. “If […]
The Third that Survives the Tribulation
How did Mr. Katz view the return of the 1/3 Jews to Jerusalem in regards to the Lord’s return? In other words, when the 1/3 surviving remnant Jews return mourning and sighing, will Christ be physically present on earth for a thousand years? Or, does Christ physically return after the […]
How a Love for Prophecy Began with Me (Short Account)
I first discovered almost everything I’ve come to believe about Israel’s future destiny from a crisis over the question of why the Lord had not come, when it appeared that He Himself had expected to return before the expiration of His own contemporary generation (Matt 24:34, Mk 13:30). This pressed […]
Against All Odds
There is a phrase that is not in scripture, but it captures so much of what the Bible is all about. “Against All Odds” is the apt title of a video series that traces the modern miracle of the Jewish repatriation of the Land, and the amazing story of how the fledgling […]
Seeing Jacob in His Struggle – with a Father’s Heart
… if God is the biblical God, and Israel is his text book to the nations, it is not possible they can ever win [a great military victory] while in their unbelieving condition. If they can [win], everything I have ever learned goes out the window. Art always had it […]
The Rapture Question Decisively Answered by the Timing of the Day of the Lord
The rapture debate has raised the question of whether the references to a trumpet that sounds after the tribulation (Mt 24:31; Rev 10:7; 11:15) should be identified with, or distinguished from Paul’s ‘last trump’ (1Cor 15:52; 1Thes 4:16)? Where we locate the day of the Lord will be decisive for […]
More on the Two Witnesses
I’ve struggled in my interpretation of this section about the “two witnesses” for a long time. My question is about the identity of the two witnesses. Corporate witnesses or individuals? It is written, “These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.” […]
The Transforming Power of Covenant Mercy
This morning, I was thinking of Paul’s statement, “but I obtained mercy to be faithful …”. I was noticing the order, that mercy precedes and goes before faithfulness, as though the ability for true faithfulness is in the prior revelation of mercy. Searching for the verse that contained this particular […]
Israel: God’s Chosen People?
I believe it is important that we affirm that the Jews, despite their current disobedience, are “the chosen people”. The age ends by a great international conflict called, “the controversy of Zion” (Isa 34:8; Zech 12:2-3; see the paper on my website recently found and posted, called, “The Significance of […]