Content in category Apocalyptic Evangelism

New Course | The Five Visions of Daniel

The Five Visions of Daniel Home Lesson 1 | Daniel Chapter 2: The Dream of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon Lesson 2 | Daniel Chapter 7: Four Beasts Rise from the Sea Lesson 3 | Daniel Chapter 8: The Ram and the Goat Lesson 4 | Daniel Chapter 9: The Seventy Sevens of Daniel's People Lesson 5 | Daniel Chapters 10-12: The Abomination that Causes Desolation Introduction to Daniel: Pursuing the Lord's Mandate

As of this weekend, all of the videos from the Sept 2010 Convocation regarding the prophet Daniel have now been posted on YouTube. (If there may be a few straggler segments we will update as necessary.) We have made mention of each session here as they have been posted, but we fear that as additional articles are put up over the coming weeks or months, this foundational material will get buried and neglected. Therefore it has been assembled and cross-linked so that it can more readily be found in it’s entirety.

In the banner at the top of every Mystery-of-Israel page there is a new section called “Courses” replacing the older section called “Apocalyptic Evangelism Course.” This new link references the still-in-progress work called “Apocalyptic Evangelism,” but now also the completed course on The Five Visions of Daniel.

The graphic above appears on each page of the course, so that easy reference to other chapters is available. We hope to link relevant articles and commentary to the appropriate lessons as time permits.

Our prayer is that this great book will open up afresh to God’s saints, and that they will find renewed confidence in His Word, His character and His glorious Name.

When You See The Abomination – Daniel 11-12 (Video)

A complete session of the Video from September’s “People Prepared” Convocation on Daniel Chapters 11-12 is now available on YouTube. A direct link is found below:
Chapters Eleven & Twelve (click/tap here if you see nothing below)

Phil Norcom and Reggie Kelly lead a discussion on the fifth and final vision of the book of Daniel. These last sessions, covering Daniel Chapters 10-12 contain the verses spoken of by Jesus when He referenced the “‘abomination that causes desolation’ spoken of by the prophet Daniel. Let the reader understand.”

The Heart of Apocalyptic Evangelism

But Doc, here’s the question I want to run by you: What wise use should we who know the prophetic scriptures be making of these current trends that are moving in precisely the direction that prophecy said they would? I’m talking about evangelism, what Art liked to call, “apocalyptic evangelism”. Art compared ‘apocalyptic evangelism’ to the idea of a “delayed reaction bomb”. The seed of the powerful evidence of prophecy is sewn in confidence that it will be soon verified by the deepening crisis that will conform to the pattern that prophecy declares.

We might call it, “pre-evangelism”, particularly in the case of Jews who will not at first receive the Word, but will have later occasion to reflect on what was shown to them from the prophetic scriptures. Of course, the same holds true for anyone, but the church will not come to its appointed fullness independently of its calling to Israel, since the Jew represents the church’s most formidable challenge, and forces believers to do their homework. God knows that when we go to the Jew first, our faith will be tested and deepened. […]

The Seventy Sevens of Daniel Chapter 9 (Video)

In Chapter 9, Daniel realizes that the 70 years of exile is almost over, so he cries out to God for mercy for himself and his people. In response he has a vision of the the angel Gabriel who begins to explain God’s timetable for delivering Israel. Reggie Kelly and Phil Norcom lead us through the five visions of Daniel with emphasis on what they mean for Israel and the Church (The Mystery of Israel).

A complete session of the Video from September’s “People Prepared” Convocation on Daniel Chapter 9 is now available on YouTube. A direct link is found below:
Chapter Nine (click here if you see nothing below)

The Vision of Nebuchaddnezzar in Daniel Chapter 2 (Video)

The vision of Nebuchadnezzar is the first vision in the book of Daniel (Daniel Chapter 2) and provides a foundation for the four visions that follow. They all point to a climax that will occur in “the last days.” Reggie Kelly and Phil Norcom lead us through the five visions of Daniel with emphasis on what they mean for Israel and the Church (The Mystery of Israel).

Chapter Two (Click Here if you see nothing below)

Daniel Chapter 2, 7 and 8 Video from “A People Prepared”

[…] We are in the process of editing the video from the September Convocation “A People Prepared for These Last Days.” Audio has been available at the Convocation page since a week or so following the event, but the video files are larger and more difficult to serve. The good news is that almost half of the Daniel Series has been uploaded to YouTube in HD (The YouTube user is “mysteryofisrael“. Going through all the Visions of the book of Daniel verse by verse in one weekend was a bit taxing but we were granted the grace to get all the way through the final chapters that Jesus Himself encouraged us to read – “Let the reader understand.” (Mark 13:14, Matt 24:15) […]

Acts 2:17 and Israel in the End Time


Until then, the gospel reveals that power and salvation of that “still coming” DAY has come in unexpected advance of THAT DAY through the revelation of the secret hidden in other ages (Ro 16:25-26; Eph 6:19; 1Pet 1:11). But according to Paul, this present fulfillment of the covenant through the revelation of the mystery of the gospel and gift of the Spirit cannot stop short of the grafting of the natural branches back into their own place. Paul does not present their return as a generous divine initiative tacked on at the end of the age for good measure. No, it is a covenant necessity demanded by the specific language of the covenant, (Ro 11:26-29), which would only be established with the larger nation at the post-tribulational day of the Lord. That is the eschatology of the OT, which the revelation of the mystery modifies, but does NOT erase. The day of the Lord will bring all that the literal reading of scripture said it will bring.

So I see Peter as saying “this is that,” but this is NOT “all” of that. It is indeed the Spirit promised to Israel in association with the well known day of the Lord. The promise of that day has arrived. It is here. But the day itself, and the full balance that remains to be fulfilled at that time remains for a post-tribulational future. Nothing about that has changed. The powers of the age to come have indeed broken decisively into this present evil prior to and apart from the kind of outward transformation expected in association with the day of the Lord. This, however, does nothing to change all that Scripture promises will come to the broken and penitent remnant that will look upon Him whom they pierced (Zech 12:10), when “that generation” will say with one voice, “blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Mt 23:39). Hallelujah!


The Church’s Tribulation Fullness (Audio)

Click to go
At September’s Convocation (A People Prepared for the Last Days), Reggie was given one of the sessions to discuss Apocalyptic Evangelism. It didn’t take long for the Lord to steer the evening in a direction of His own choosing, that is, a look at His glorious plan for His Church at the culmination of this age.September 10, 2010: mi-a-005

Click the CD or the Title at Top to Play

The Order of the Return (Part 1)

that ill-prepares the people of God for what is ahead for both Israel and the church. Preterism puts the tribulation in the past. Amillennialism conceives of a “little season” of Satan’s release at the end of this age, with little specificity, and certainly no definite relationship to Israel. Historicism, with its often failed ‘year day’ theory, spreads the tribulation out over history, with an intensive resurgence at the end, while Pre-tribulationism exempts the church from any presence or role in the tribulation, so that “Jacob’s trouble” is only “Jacob’s problem”, since the church is in heaven at the wedding feast while Israel suffers the Antichrist. Hence, ours is a comparatively rare perspective that sees both Israel and the church together in a literal tribulation of 3 ½ years of unequaled affliction, as the church is engaged in prophetic witness and intercessory travail for the final redemption of the covenant nation, amid a common experience of world wide flight and persecution.

When aware of a future great tribulation, the primary concern has been the purification of the church through persecution. This is true, and we believe the church will be greatly transformed, but the primary purpose of “the tribulation, the great one” is to accomplish the historic fulfillment of what the prophets call, the ‘everlasting covenant’ (Isa 59:21; Jer 32:40; Ro 11:27), which necessarily requires the full coming in of “all Israel”, whom Paul identifies as the “natural branches” of present enmity (Ro 11:21, 24, 28). In conjunction with Christ’s return, the restoration of Israel finishes the mystery of God (Rev 10:7) and begins the millennial reign of Christ. […]

Recommended Reading: Israel Is to Be Restored (Ch. 15 of “Jesus is Coming”)

[… Perhaps, you say: “I don’t believe the Israelites are to be restored to Canaan, and Jerusalem rebuilt.”

Dear reader! have you read the declarations of God’s word about it? Surely nothing is more plainly stated in the Scriptures. We would that we had space to quote the passages, but we can only give you a portion of the references. We beg of you to read them thoughtfully. Divest yourself of prejudice and preconceived notions, and let the Holy Spirit show you, from His word, the glorious future of God’s chosen people, “who are beloved” (Rom. 11 :28), and dear unto Him as “the apple of His eye.” Zech. 2:8. […]

Mystery of Israel
Reflections on the Mystery of Israel and the Church... by Reggie Kelly

Search Mystery of Israel

God’s Foretold Work

God's Foretold Work Logo
  • Weekly fellowship over the Word with the GFW crew on the ‘God’s Foretold Work’ YouTube Channel. We go LIVE on most Saturday nights at 7:30 PM EST to explore the “at hand” and “not yet” nature of the Kingdom of God as it relates to the mystery of Israel and the Church.

Glory of the Story Podcast

Sam Parsons and Reggie Kelly have been working on a Podcast called “The Glory of the Story”.

“The beauty of God’s work throughout history to glorify Christ
“Glory of the Story explores the beauty that God has invested in the outworking of his story throughout history. We talk about the end times, eschatology, Israel, election, grace and most importantly God’s glory.”

Check it out HERE.


Mystery of Israel

Mystery of Israel Logo

Click HERE to go directly to the Mystery of Israel YouTube Channel.

2020-23 Convocations

Bemidji Conference Logo

Videos from the 2020 and 2021 Convocations in Bemidji MN can be found on this YouTube Channel.

Search Mystery of Israel (Not working yet)

We’re working on getting Google to recognize the site in its new location. It has been a challenge. Once that happens this search should better than the one at the top of the page.