Content in category Daniel

Seated in Heavenly Places

I have used Dan 7:11 with Rev 19:20 to point out to those who hold the amillennial view that we cannot be in the millennium now, since the first resurrection happens in obvious connection with the destruction of the ‘final’ beast (Dan 7:11 with Rev 19:20) and the resurrection of […]

Confirming the Covenant

Thanks brother. I’m including in my reply both your question on the covenant ((01396. gabar, a primitive root; to be strong; by implication, to prevail, act insolently:–exceed, confirm, be great, be mighty, prevail, put to more (strength), strengthen, be stronger, be valiant. This is the word used in Da 9:27 […]

The Ships of Chittim

Hi, dear Reggie. I want to share with you some very interesting thing. It is about ships of Chittim. Look at this: KJV-And ships shall come from the coast of Chittim, and shall afflict Asshur, and shall afflict Eber, and he also shall perish for ever. (Nu.24:24) NASB-But ships {shall […]

The Mortal Wound

“One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast…” Rev. 13 Have you been given any revelation on the timing of this event? It must take place during the first 3 ½ years […]

The Near-Far Interpretation of Prophecy

[…] In every context where the eschatological day of the Lord is in view, there is usually a near and a far fulfillment. This is seen most clearly by the simple fact that the messianic salvation, everywhere identified with a climactic post tribulational day of the Lord, simply did not happen. A view of the inerrancy of the inspired scripture, will, of course, demand that a gap be recognized between the past, near and partial fulfillment, and a future fulfillment that is complete and exhaustive.

Even if you happen to deny a distinct future for natural Israel, and even if you are prone to interpret scripture allegorically, one is still obliged to recognize that the promised messianic salvation did not come until much later with the advent of Jesus. Beyond the earnest and first fruits (the “already”) of Israel’s promised salvation, there remains the “not yet” of a yet future day of the Lord that will accomplish “the restoration of all things spoken by the prophets” (Acts 3:21; Ro 11:25-29).

[Note: The difference between pre-mill and a-mill eschatology is simply the question of how much of Israel’s promised salvation came in with the revelation of the gospel? All or part? […] […]

The Prince of the Covenant

Reggie, I heard you mention once that “the prince of the covenant” was someone other than Antichrist. Can you give me your thoughts on this? Watson [i.e. P.S.G. Watson] seems to have taught they are one and the same. See attached. Bro. Phil I have to differ with Watson on […]

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

Dear Reggie, As we seek to understand the prophecy in Daniel regarding the career of Antichrist and where it begins, I continue to get questions about the transition between Ch. 11:21 and 23 and why we are not giving any of this to fulfillment by Antiochus IV Epiphanes. We speak […]

Basic Outline of the Last “Seven”

Reggie, Rather than a final work could you at least send a rough outline. What starts the 3.5 years, what happens in the middle, then at the end of 7 years. You can refine later, but I need something to start with. I am traditional futurist in the basic outline […]

Mystery of Israel
Reflections on the Mystery of Israel and the Church... by Reggie Kelly

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God’s Foretold Work

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  • Weekly fellowship over the Word with the GFW crew on the ‘God’s Foretold Work’ YouTube Channel. We go LIVE on most Saturday nights at 7:30 PM EST to explore the “at hand” and “not yet” nature of the Kingdom of God as it relates to the mystery of Israel and the Church.

Glory of the Story Podcast

Sam Parsons and Reggie Kelly have been working on a Podcast called “The Glory of the Story”.

“The beauty of God’s work throughout history to glorify Christ
“Glory of the Story explores the beauty that God has invested in the outworking of his story throughout history. We talk about the end times, eschatology, Israel, election, grace and most importantly God’s glory.”

Check it out HERE.


Mystery of Israel

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Click HERE to go directly to the Mystery of Israel YouTube Channel.

2020-23 Convocations

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Videos from the 2020 and 2021 Convocations in Bemidji MN can be found on this YouTube Channel.

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We’re working on getting Google to recognize the site in its new location. It has been a challenge. Once that happens this search should better than the one at the top of the page.