David Baron, Adolph Saphir (and other Recommended Reading)

Does David Baron have a commentary on the bible that can be purchased? I’ve heard him spoken so highly of, yet I see him nowhere in christian bookstores.

Are his commentaries on just the O.T., or did he delve into the New as well?
I think I’d like to get my hands on that. Would you consider him conservative, higher criticism, somewhere in between or neither?

Baron is conservative; he imbibed none of the German higher criticism so stylish in the biblical scholarship of his day. He wrote a commentary on “The Visions and Prophecy of Zechariah“. That one should be readily available through Amazon, or christianbook.com. Among the titles by him are Rays of Messiah’s Glory; The Shepherd of Israel, The Servant of Jehovah, Types Psalms and Prophecies, A Divine Forecast of Jewish History; The History of the Ten “Lost” Tribes: Anglo-Israelism Examined; The Ancient Scriptures for the Modern Jew; and Israel in the Plan of God, also published under the title: The History of Israel: Its Spiritual Significance. There is also one on the Melchizedek Priesthood. These are all back in print through Keren Ahvah Meshihit; P. O. Box 10382, 91103 Jerusalem, Israel.

Also consider to get the any title you can find by Baron’s beloved personal friend and mentor, Adolph Saphir, also a Hebrew Christian. His book Christ and Israel is peerless, and anything by him is as devotional and God glorifying as it is exegetically incisive. Saphir wrote a fine commentary on the book of Hebrews. Spurgeon loved Saphir and recommended him highly to his students, calling him “the godly Saphir.” I used to pay a small fortune to get books by Saphir, but now they’re all back in print through this fine publisher in Jerusalem. Thank God for those who went before us. There is a new work by a contemporary author that I consider invaluable on this subject. It’s one of the most important works I’ve seen since Saphir and Baron. The title is “Future Israel: Why Christian Anti-Judaism Must be Challenged; by Barry Horner.”

In His precious service, Reggie

Added by another brother June 30, 2008:

Google Books has a great selection of David Baron and Adolph Saphir’s works also.  Google has this intitiative to “make all of the world’s information accessible to everyone”, hence they have been busy for however long, scanning all kinds of out-of-print works, many of these, original first edition copies, and making them avaiable for free online.  Just type in the name and search.  F.Y.I.  — You’ll get all the works available for the name you submit so a name like David Baron will bring up not only our excellent brother who went ahead of us already, but also all of the other “David Baron’s” who have published anything of note.

Another addition later:

Link to a periodical record of Baron’s Hebrew Christian Testimony newspaper.

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Israel and the Church, Recommended Reading
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