Manitoba Meetings (Audio)

Early in Feb 2013, Reggie wrote:

“I really ask your prayer covering for what is taking place here in Canada among the Hutterites and friends that have come from around to hear. Some of what’s being laid down here may well be added groundwork for what we’re wanting to accomplish with the visuals. I speak two more days here and ask your prayers for a full impartation of the vision among the salt of the earth.”

A few days later:

“Just returned from Zach and Wilma’s community in Canada from what was an heaven on earth, “off the charts,” time of blessing. I hope we can get a link to their website, since those recordings might be invaluable for work on the time line, and some of the friends of our work may want to listen in.

There were a few hours of almost non stop teaching, a venue that I’m not used to having but much needed when attempting to cover such an inter-related perspective. We covered many of the key parts, but because I wasn’t expecting such a group, I had nothing prepared in the way of notes, but the Lord seemed to keep me on track for the most part, I’m sure because of their great hunger and somewhat already introduced. Still, I saw many gaps where some visuals and scriptures more ready to hand would have made a lot so much easier, more clear, and less time consuming, but we’re learning as we go.

Adam Smith drove me up and he also contributed admirably in his own speaking.

The vision grows brighter to the perfect day! Affectionately in His great grace, Reggie”

The Covenental Context of the Comings of Christ

Friday (Part 1 of 4)


– – – – – –
Saturday (Part 2 of 4)


– – – – – –
Saturday (Part 3 of 4)

(3hr:08 min)

– – – – – –
Sunday (Part 4 of 4)


Right Click below to download:
Friday – Part 1 of 4
Saturday – Part 2 of 4
Saturday – Part 3 of 4
Sunday – Part 4 of 4

Filed under
Audio, The Mystery of Israel, The Mystery of the Gospel
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Mystery of Israel
Reflections on the Mystery of Israel and the Church... by Reggie Kelly

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