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Who is the “profane wicked prince of Israel”?

Who is the wicked prince of Israel in Eze 21:25?

How about “the prince of the covenant” of Dan 11:22?

Commentaries will say the wicked prince of Eze 21:25 is Zedekiah, as you can check on Bible Hub in their collection of commentaries. Just type in the verse.

But then, as you know, there is almost always a near and far fulfillment, the past being very often the pattern of last things. So my best guess would be that the “wicked prince” is also the “foolish / idol shepherd” of Zech 11:15, 17.

Is the Day of the LORD a Single Day?

Does our view see the Day of the Lord as one specific, single day occurring at the end of the tribulation when Christ returns to destroy the AC and raise the righteous dead? I’ve heard we need to include the broad concept of the day of the Lord, meaning, that the Day of the LORD (DOL) begins with the abomination and continues for three and one half years.

Is this legitimate and correct?, or should the DOL be confined to one single extraordinary day occurring at the end of the tribulation thereby ushering in the first day of the millennial age? For example, is Ezekiel 39:8 a single day or a period of time in duration?


I believe it is the latter choice. It is a very specific day (“one day”; Isa 66:9; Zech 3:9; 14:7), around which is clustered an intensive convergence of many events, leading to, and issuing from, that are certainly not confined to one day. It is the day and hour, even instant (1Cor 15:52) that constitutes the great transition between this age and the age to come.

To answer your last question first, most definitely and assuredly Eze 39:8 is the “great day of God Almighty“ referred to in Rev 16:12-17. This is seen very clearly by observing that the same, very precise language of Eze 39:8 is applied to the “great day of God Almighty” in Rev 16:17.

Significantly, this day is shown to come in conjunction with the 7th bowl, which significantly follows Jesus’ announcement that His now truly imminent coming will be “like a thief” (Rev 16:15). This announcement is significantly interjected between the 6th and 7th bowls. So the time in view here is very precisely the very end of the tribulation.

Note too that in all of scripture, the only two places that the precise term, “day of God” is found is in 2Pet 3:12 and Rev 16:14. In second Peter, the “day of God” is a synonym for the thief-like day of the Lord (2Pet 3:10, 12). These are important markers, since in both 2Pet 3:10-12 and Rev 16:12-17, the “day of God” comes as a thief on the unsuspecting world of unbelievers at the very end of the tribulation.

From this you can see that the DOL and the great day of God Almighty are the same day, and the latter is clearly at the 7th bowl. The DOL doesn’t get any narrower than that, and this is the usual meaning throughout the prophets.

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He Will Regard the Prayer of the Destitute

Even when our accuser is terrifying in his accuracy, sending piercing arrows of doubt, terror, or despair into our souls, magnifying how great and inexplicable our sins of disloyalty against His goodness and our horrifying neglect of the trust of our stewardship, showing us and magnifying how far we are, from what should have been expected to follow true, saving faith. Notwithstanding all of this and the worst of this, Satan’s very accuracy is made a groundless lie by the blood of Jesus who pleads His own wounds as our advocate against his now illicit use of the law to bring condemnation to the conscience of the believer, however weak and halting in faith.

There have been times when, though very doctrinally persuaded and greatly rejoicing that Jesus has once and forever fulfilled all the law on our behalf, I seemed yet to have the greatest battle to fully and quietly rest in that unspeakably precious confidence. It just eluded me as to present comfort.

Though very precious in concept, it just didn’t seem to get through the veil of my flesh to fill me with the comfort and assurance of glory that it should have. This lack of ability to more fully apprehend this great truth of the finished work to my immediate comfort mystified and troubled me very greatly. I needed this well beloved truth to be quickened afresh and made alive in my spirit. Here’s what I think happens:

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A Revealed Righteousness

While reflecting on what stands at the heart of the gospel, I thought first of what Paul called, “the goal of the commandment” in Titus 1:5. “Now the end (goal) of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith.”

That is indeed the outworking of the fruit of His life within us, as to our sanctification, but it’s foundation and root is deeper still. It’s root is the resurrection life of Jesus, as both imputed and imparted to the justified believer. Its source is as far from the strength of nature as the budding of Aaron’s rod.

Paul says this righteousness is now revealed in the recently unveiled “mystery of the gospel” (Eph 6:19).

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith” (Ro 1:7).

Paul shows that the mystery that could not come to full light until the revelation of the gospel was fully foretold in the prophetic writings (Acts 26:22-23). Yet, kept secret in times past till the appointed time of revelation (1Cor 2:7-8; Ro 16:25-26). Why only now, with the post-resurrection revelation of the gospel, is this righteousness revealed? Wasn’t the righteousness of God already fully revealed and well established all throughout the scriptures? What kind of righteousness is this that has waited till now to be “revealed”?

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Thoughts on the Mystery of Heavenly Hindrance

Only weeks apart, I received the same question from two dear friends. It is a question many have asked, and it is one that has the potential to cast great light on much else. Here’s how one friend put the question:

“It is clear the nameless one (described in Dan 10:4-11:1) is the Lord Jesus given clear unity with Revelation 1. How do you understand His being delayed and receiving help from Michael to release the word?”

Even among those commentators who see verses 5-9 as depicting a pre-incarnate appearing of Christ, most will argue that beginning at verse 10, another figure has come into view. The proposed change from Christ to an angel is assumed only because it is thought to be inconceivable that the pre-incarnate Son could need angelic assistance to push past the resistance of the demon Prince of Persia to complete his errand to Daniel (Dan 10:13).

[And what a strategic errand it was! It was to be an exceptionally long, uninterrupted (two chapters), unparalleled, narrative style prophecy that would lay out in astonishing detail “what shall befall your (Daniel’s) people in the latter days.” No wonder the demonic realm was so invested to impede the messenger’s mission. It is important to note what this mighty, history-determining breakthrough of divine revelation cost Daniel, as well as the place that sovereign providence had brought him in preparation for it.]

Yet, does the view that an angel has stepped in in place of the glorious Christ really solve our problem? It still leaves the question, why would the holy angels, sent by God, ever be successfully detained? Wouldn’t it be expected that the only assistance they would need to fulfill their mission would be amply supplied by God Himself? What then is this mystery of demonic resistance? What is its purpose in the great scheme of God’s eternal purpose? Why the struggle? …

[Click/Tap “Jump to full post” below for more]

Apocalyptic Evangelism Course (2002)

We have recently recovered some of the printed material from the Ben Israel Apocalyptic Evangelism Course announced in the Fall 2001 Newsletter. Please note the downloadable PDF’s next to each title. A couple of the article’s had already been published on the mysteryofisrael.org site.

04-14-11 Update: We have now made all articles viewable online for easier access to Scripture references.

08-23-22 Update: Originally posted on mysteryofisrael.org in 2011. More recently we have fixed all of the links and thought to bump it to the top again. We have also tagged a number of articles with the “Apocalyptic Evangelism” category.

Module 1:

  1. What is Apocalyptic Evangelism? [PDF]
  2. What Difference Does It Make How Christians View Prophecy? [PDF]
  3. The National Hope in Context [PDF] (part of a larger piece called
    The Historic Impasse Between Church and Synagogue”)
  4. The Hebraic View of Prophecy [PDF]
  5. The Significance of Jerusalem in Prophecy [PDF]

Module 2:

  1. Restoring the Context: Pt. 2 [PDF]
  2. The Key of the Mystery of Israel in the Reign of Grace [PDF]

For further information on the ongoing development of the Apocalytic Evangelism Course click/tap here.

The Only True Doer

We say no sin is too great and no sinner is too far (excepting, of course, those who have put themselves “past feeling”)! God is very near to those who feel their destitution (Ps 102:17), especially in those moments of utter weakness that attends the end of mortal life. Never was there a greater, more sovereign revelation than that which broke upon the thief on the cross at the point of greatest weakness and self-despair!

This profound spiritual principle – manifest throughout the scriptures – is most clearly seen at Israel’s appointed time of national deliverance. The veil covering the Jewish heart will be removed “at the set time” …“in one day”…“at once” when the penitent survivors of Israel will “look upon Him whom they pierced” (Ps 102:13; Isa 25:7; 66:8; Eze 39:22; Zech 3:9; 12:10; Mt 23:39; Ro 11:26; Rev 1:7; 10:7). But critically, this transformative revelation is given “when He (Yahweh) sees that their power is gone” (Deut 32:36 with Dan 12:7).

The power of His endless life is revealed at the end of the pride of self-reliance (the strength of the veil) which hides the transformative liberating revelation of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2Cor 3:14-18; 4:6). This withering process of crisis is critical for shattering the pride of self-reliance, not only in the unbelieving, but as Paul explains, God wisely uses it even in the lives of the godly (Acts 14:22; 2Cor 1:8-10; 12:7).

At the inception of faith, the free gift of an everlasting righteousness is immediately imputed. But saving faith comes when the Spirit has used the unapproachable holiness of the law to drive the sinner off of any hope in themselves (Ex 19:16m 21-24; 20:18-19; Ro 7:9; Gal 3:10, 19, 21). This is why the Law must come first (Jn 1:17). When the real implications of the law’s holy requirement is brought home to the heart, the gospel of a righteousness that is utterly transcends our hearts becomes exceedingly good news…

[Click/Tap “Jump to full post” below for more]

Convocation 2022

Greetings brothers and sisters!

It’s always a bit of a challenge to come up with a fitting title for the annual conference, one with a prophetic end-time emphasis and one with a broad enough scope for a multi-speaker event. This year, when the online participants of God’s Foretold Work met in a Zoom meeting to discuss this, the Lord directed them toward themes of recent Saturday evening online meetings by which folks were particularly blessed and encouraged. Consensus came when they heard:

“God’s Foretold Work: The Everlasting Gospel”

Revelation 14:6  “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people…”

May the Lord bless both the words brought forth and every hearing heart. Let’s pray that we will leave this conference with health, hope, encouragement and His gracious preparation of our hearts and minds for the days to come!

We have been LIVE Streaming from THIS YouTube Channel.

GOD’S FORETOLD WORK: The Everlasting Gospel

Our invited speakers were: Travis Bennett, Reggie Kelly, Tom Quinlan, Adam Smith, Willie Wallace, and Brett Tompkins.
Brock Hollett and Fred London shared with us via video.

Day 1

Tom Quinlan – God’s Foretold Work – Declaring the End from the Beginning

Day 2

Fred London – Back to the Future

Reggie Kelly – A Daniel’s Eye View of the Everlasting Righteousness of the Everlasting Covenant:
Unpacking Dan 9:24Video

Brett Tompkins – The Everlasting Gospel: To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace

Day 3

Travis Bennett – Seeing the Unseen

Brock Hollett – The Meaning of Christ’s “This Generation”

Brett Tompkins – The End of All Things is at Hand: To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace

Day 4

Willie Wallace – Waiting Time is Testing Time

Reggie Kelly – The Climax of the Covenant

Travis Bennett – The Unseen Work of Affliction

Day 5

Tom Quinlan – He Has Redeemed Us from the Curse of the Law


Adam & Cheryl

We would appreciate it if you could direct emails to bemidji.summer.conference@gmail.com (Keeps everything together in one place. Thanks!)

Simple Layman

Travis Bennett started a new YouTube Channel called “Simple Layman” back in early 2020. He and Reggie Kelly worked diligently during the early months of the Covid 19 crisis on a series called “Teaching the Prophetic Timeline” You can check it out HERE.

Well… they are at it again in 2022, going through the book of Isaiah. They’ve been cranking through the Sessions in the last few weeks, so check it out. HERE’s a direct link to the Simple Layman YouTube Channel.

Mystery of Israel
Reflections on the Mystery of Israel and the Church... by Reggie Kelly

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God’s Foretold Work

God's Foretold Work Logo
  • Weekly fellowship over the Word with the GFW crew on the ‘God’s Foretold Work’ YouTube Channel. We go LIVE on most Saturday nights at 7:30 PM EST to explore the “at hand” and “not yet” nature of the Kingdom of God as it relates to the mystery of Israel and the Church.


Mystery of Israel

Mystery of Israel Logo

Click HERE to go directly to the Mystery of Israel YouTube Channel.

2020-23 Convocations

Bemidji Conference Logo

Videos from the 2020 and 2021 Convocations in Bemidji MN can be found on this YouTube Channel.

Search Mystery of Israel (Not working yet)

We’re working on getting Google to recognize the site in its new location. It has been a challenge. Once that happens this search should better than the one at the top of the page.