Greetings brothers and sisters!
It’s always a bit of a challenge to come up with a fitting title for the annual conference, one with a prophetic end-time emphasis and one with a broad enough scope for a multi-speaker event. This year, when the online participants of God’s Foretold Work met in a Zoom meeting to discuss this, the Lord directed them toward themes of recent Saturday evening online meetings by which folks were particularly blessed and encouraged. Consensus came when they heard:
“God’s Foretold Work: The Everlasting Gospel”
Revelation 14:6 “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people…”
May the Lord bless both the words brought forth and every hearing heart. Let’s pray that we will leave this conference with health, hope, encouragement and His gracious preparation of our hearts and minds for the days to come!
We have been LIVE Streaming from THIS YouTube Channel.
GOD’S FORETOLD WORK: The Everlasting Gospel
Our invited speakers were: Travis Bennett, Reggie Kelly, Tom Quinlan, Adam Smith, Willie Wallace, and Brett Tompkins.
Brock Hollett and Fred London shared with us via video.
Day 1
Tom Quinlan – God’s Foretold Work – Declaring the End from the Beginning
Day 2
Fred London – Back to the Future
Reggie Kelly – A Daniel’s Eye View of the Everlasting Righteousness of the Everlasting Covenant:
Unpacking Dan 9:24 – Video
Brett Tompkins – The Everlasting Gospel: To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace
Day 3
Travis Bennett – Seeing the Unseen
Brock Hollett – The Meaning of Christ’s “This Generation”
Brett Tompkins – The End of All Things is at Hand: To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace
Day 4
Willie Wallace – Waiting Time is Testing Time
Reggie Kelly – The Climax of the Covenant
Travis Bennett – The Unseen Work of Affliction
Day 5
Tom Quinlan – He Has Redeemed Us from the Curse of the Law
Adam & Cheryl
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