Sort Alphabetically
- The Key of the Mystery of Israel in the Reign of Grace
- Matters of the Law: From Circumcision to Tithing
- “They” Nourished Her…
- He Who Knew No Sin Became Sin…
- Where is the tribe of Dan in Rev. 7?
- Apocalyptic Evangelism
- Provoking Israel to Jealousy
- In The Year That King Uzziah Died…
- The Deeper Conversion of the Converted
- Observing the Sabbath
- Defining the “Apostolic”
- True Prophetic Authority
- When was the book of Revelation written?
- The Time of the Resurrection of Millennial Saints
- Jacob’s Trouble
- The Little Horn, the Beast, Gog and Anti-Christ
- Preterism
- Crucial Timing of the Day of the Lord
- The Falling Stars
- Infant Baptism vs. Believer’s Baptism
- The Rapture: If and When?
- Israel’s Salvation Will Not Come By “Natural” Sight
- The Woman’s Travail and the Rapture of the Manchild
- Thoughts on the Law of the Tithe
- The Mark of the Beast
- The Inerrancy of Scripture
- The Root of Error
- We Have This Treasure in Earthen Vessels
- I Pray Not For The World
- The Rending of the Veil
- An Alternate View on the Nature and Origin of Anti-Christ
- Which Generation Shall Not Pass Until All Be Fulfilled?
- The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11
- The ‘Messianic Secret’ and Apostolic Sending
- The Gentile Church: An Unexpected Anomaly
- The Time of Jacob’s (Unequaled) Trouble
- The Importance of Chronology in Prophetic Fulfillment
- Calvin and Freedom of the Will
- Dispensationalism & More on “One or Two Peoples of God?”
- “Reliance” on Doctors
- The Mark of the Beast
- One People. Two Entities?
- One People. Two Entities? (Followup)
- God’s Covenants: The Obsolete and the Everlasting
- David Baron, Adolph Saphir (and other Recommended Reading)
- Recommended Reading on the Prophet Daniel
- Recommended Book: “Rapture? Sure… but When?”
- The Dangerous Presumption of ‘Exemption from Tribulation’
- Sin. Who created it?
- How soon is “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble?”
- The Eschatology of the Everlasting Covenant
- The Remnant Tasting the Bitterness of the Nations
- The Use of Prophecy in Evangelism and the Church’s Call to Israel
- Books: “An Alternative to Left Behind Eschatology”
- One or Two Peoples of God: Reflections on the Mystery of Israel and the Church
- The Glorious Reconciliation of Arab & Jew
- Regeneration and Indwelling in the Old Testament
- “Purpose” and the Lamp of Prophecy
- The Church’s Prophetic Witness As Key to Israel’s Survival
- The Nature of the Prophetic in Israel and the Church
- Women and Prophecy
- Apocalyptic Evangelism
- The Fullness of the Gentiles
- Fullness of the Gentiles (Discussion)
- Jerusalem vs Athens (Revelation vs Human Reason)
- The Glory of God – the Cross or Election?
- The Mystery of the Gospel Hidden in the Old Testament
- The Tragic Cost of Replacement Theology
- Make it plain upon the tables, that all who read may run…
- Recommended Reading: The First Resurrection by S.P. Tregelles
- Recommended Reading: Joseph and Jesus
- Role of the Mystery as an Instrument of Judgement
- Kept From The Hour
- “When saw we Thee?”
- When He sees that their power is gone. (A “witnessing” question)
- The pride of your power
- The Tents of Judah
- Essential “Texts” concerning the Last Days
- Recommended Book: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Israel’s ‘Divine Right’ to the Land
- Followup: “I Pray Not For The World”
- The Lord Shall Set His Hand Again The SECOND Time
- Dan 2:44 – The Kingdom Shall Not Be Left To “Another” People
- Does God control Satan?
- On the origin of the Antichrist
- “Let The Reader Understand”
- Gog (Ez 38) and the King Who Exalts Himself (Dan 11)
- The Synagogue of Satan and The Church of Pride
- Gog’s Assault in the Purposes of God
- Seeing God in Israel’s Trouble… and Our Own
- The Fundamental Error of Amillennialism
- Only by the sight of Him: A Meditation
- Christian Zionism | Stephen Sizer
- Regarding “The Source of the Problem in the Middle East”
- Egypt in Prophecy
- Why Care About “Jacob’s Trouble?”
- Recommended Reading: Millennial Scripture References
- Recommended Reading: Israel Is to Be Restored (Ch. 15 of “Jesus is Coming”)
- How Soon Jacob’s Trouble? (Followup)
- The Order of the Return (Part 1)
- A Short Summary of Romans 9, 10, 11
- The Jew in the Midst
- Nebuchadnezzar’s Vision – Daniel Chapter 2 (audio)
- The Church’s Tribulation Fullness (Audio)
- And Four Great Beasts Came Up from the Sea – Daniel 7 (Audio)
- Daniel as Key to the Church’s Finest Hour
- A Question About “the Woman”
- Concerning “Evangelical” Support for Israel
- Acts 2:17 and Israel in the End Time
- The Eschatology of the Everlasting Covenant
- Why Amillennialism or Why No Millennium?
- Daniel Chapter 2, 7 and 8 Video from “A People Prepared”
- The Vision of Nebuchaddnezzar in Daniel Chapter 2 (Video)
- The Four Beasts of Daniel Chapter 7 (Video)
- The Ram and the Goat of Daniel Chapter 8 (Video)
- The Seventy Sevens of Daniel Chapter 9 (Video)
- The Church’s Tribulation Fullness (Video)
- Michael’s Middle of the Week Victory in Heaven
- The Heart of Apocalyptic Evangelism
- Recommended Reading: Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening
- The Mystery of the Gospel
- Does the Church Bring in the Kingdom?
- The king who exalts himself – Daniel 10-11 (Video)
- When You See The Abomination – Daniel 11-12 (Video)
- Introduction to Daniel: Pursuing the Lord’s Mandate (Video)
- New Course | The Five Visions of Daniel
- Basic Outline of the Last “Seven”
- Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- The Prince of the Covenant
- The Near-Far Interpretation of Prophecy
- The God Who Hides Himself
- A People Prepared (Video)
- Kept From Unequaled Deception (Video)
- Dominionism
- Israel: God’s Chosen People?
- The Transforming Power of Covenant Mercy
- More on the Two Witnesses
- The Rapture Question Decisively Answered by the Timing of the Day of the Lord
- Seeing Jacob in His Struggle – with a Father’s Heart
- Against All Odds
- How a Love for Prophecy Began with Me (Short Account)
- The Third that Survives the Tribulation
- Who Is ‘Left Behind’ After The Rapture?
- The Cry of the Penitent Remnant
- The Lamb Examined and Fully Approved
- The Mortal Wound
- The True Witness
- Flesh and Blood Shall Not Inherit the Kingdom
- The Ships of Chittim
- And They Will Reign on Earth
- Future Calamity to Israel and Genesis 9:11
- Confirming the Covenant
- Avoiding the False Alarms of Prophetic Speculation (More on…)
- Knowing the Terror of the Lord We Persuade Men
- How Should We Then Pray?
- Imminence
- Unto the End of the War, Desolations are Determined
- The Order of the Return (Part 2)
- The Mystery of God
- You Know What is Restraining
- The Mystery That Stumbles Pride
- Who is “All Israel”?
- The Question of Hell
- Difficult Millennial Questions
- Seated in Heavenly Places
- A Brief Case for the Futurity of the Thousand Years
- The New and Everlasting Covenant
- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
- Recommended Scriptures on the Rapture Question
- Egypt in Prophecy
- Commentary on Isaiah 28:1-18 [Audio]
- The Travail of the Church and Jacob’s Flight into the Wilderness [Video]
- Who is the 4th Kingdom of Daniel 2 and the 4th Beast of Daniel 7?
- Restoration of the Natural Branches to the Living Root
- The Gentile Gap Between His Appearings
- Except Your Righteousness Shall Exceed…
- When They Say “Peace and Safety,” Then Comes Sudden Destruction
- The Servant that Will Speak to Jacob in His Distress
- Featured Article: The Key of the Mystery in the Reign of Grace
- After the Darkness [Audio]
- Witnessing through Prophecy [Audio]
- The Climax of the Covenant [Audio]
- This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached [Audio]
- The Climax of the Covenant [Video]
- The God Who Reveals and Conceals [Audio]
- You Have Multiplied Your Slain In This City
- Jerusalem: The City of the Great King [Audio]
- Questions Regarding the Antichrist in Daniel 11
- Olivet: The Last Teaching of Jesus [Video]
- After the Darkness [Video]
- The Abomination of Desolation in 2013?
- The Shaking of All Things That Can Be Shaken
- Distinguishing The Peace We Are Looking For
- Ezekiel 39:26 – Is This “Security” Millennial, or Pre-Tribulational?
- Meat in Due Season
- Israel’s Wilderness Flight and the Short But Unequaled Tribulation
- The Time for the Unsealing of the Vision [Video]
- Let Us Labor Therefore to Enter into That Rest
- Daniel 9:27 and the Confirmation of a Covenant
- Times of Gentiles in ’67? On What Does Israel’s Return Depend?
- Zion’s Travail
- The Insufficiency of a Remnant [Audio]
- Manitoba Meetings (Audio)
- Zion or Babylon? Will the Real Jerusalem Please Stand Up (Video)
- The Two-fold Destruction of the Harlot and the Great Falling Away
- Daniel Chapter 2 (audio)
- Daniel Chapter 7 (audio)
- Daniel Chapter 8 (audio)
- Daniel Chapter 9 (audio)
- Daniel Chapter 10 – 12 [Audio]
- The Narrative-Historical Reading of the New Testament
- Who is Israel?
- Gentile Encounter with the Jew [Video]
- Joseph, Jesus and the Jewish People [Video]
- When You See the Abomination… [Video]
- Jerusalem: The City of the Great King [Video]
- This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached [Video]
- The God Who Conceals and Reveals [Video]
- For Then Shall Be Great Tribulation [Video]
- Featured Article: Daniel as a Type of the Godly Remnant
- How Shall We Then Live [Video]
- Now is Come… the Kingdom of Our God, and the Power of His Christ
- Rebuilding on the Temple Mount
- Confidence in the Flesh or Power of the Spirit
- Why is Eschatology Important?
- The Bride, the Wife of the Lamb
- Antiochus was Never a Little Horn
- The Way the Prophets Understood Prophecies of the Antichrist
- The Logic of the Covenant [Audio]
- Featured Article: One or Two Peoples of God? Reflections on the Mystery of Israel and the Church
- I Will Remove the Iniquity of that Land in One Day – [Video]
- Thoughts on Faith
- Thoughts on Priestliness and Rest – [Video]
- Thoughts on Samson and the Church in the Last Days [Video]
- Jerusalem: The Cup of Trembling [Video]
- “In That Day…” – [Video]
- He Shall Become Strong With a Small People
- When is The Hour & Who is Kept from It
- Zion’s Inviolability: Jerusalem as a Place of Refuge?
- The Mystery of Israel [Video]
- The Mystery of Anti-Semitism
- “Behold, I Was Shapen in Iniquity…”
- The Mystery of the Younger
- The Mystery of Iniquity
- On Evangelism in “Apocalyptic Evangelism”
- On Matthew 24 and Luke 21
- The Shattering of the Power of the Holy People
- The Two Seeds
- The Constraining Nature of the Land Promises
- Edom and the Futurity of Ezekiel 35
- Before Zion Travailed She Brought Forth – [Video]
- “Parousia” (His Coming) in the Old Testament
- The Revelation of the Mystery – [Video]
- Avoiding the False Alarms of Prophetic Speculation
- The Tribulation Timing of the Trumpets and Three Woes
- The Conquest of the Veil
- The Glorious Church in the Great Tribulation [VIDEO]
- You Have Boasted Against ME
- Jacob’s Trouble and the Dilemma of the Covenant
- The Mystery of Election
- The Rest and the Refreshing
- Some Thoughts on “Keeping the Law” – [VIDEO]
- “Lo, in the Volume of the Book It is Written of ME” – [VIDEO]
- “Prophetic False Alarms” – UPDATE
- The Judge Is Already Standing at the Door
- Dispensationalism and the Reversal of Pentecost
- The Waters of Shiloah vs The Waters of “The River”
- “They Were Longing for a Better Country, A Heavenly One”
- “Never Again”
- Apocalyptic Righteousness – [VIDEO]
- When the LORD Brought Again the Captivity of Zion
- Israel, the Church and the One New Man
- Thoughts on the Timing of the Lord’s Return (with Joel Richardson) – [VIDEO]
- More Thoughts on the Restrainer
- Understanding God’s Purposes with Israel (with Joel Richardson) – [VIDEO]
- Shut Up to the God Who Raises the Dead
- The Prince of Tyre and the Everlasting Hatred – [VIDEO]
- Amos 9 and the Order of the Return
- Where God Is Taking The Church
- Democracy, the Jerusalem Question, and the Coming Kingdom
- Daniel and the “Big Picture” – [VIDEO]
- What Hope of a Pre-trib Rapture Requires One to Also Believe
- Perspectives on Israel: What’s at Stake?
- Not of Works, But of Him Who Calls
- The Prophetic Necessity of a Third Temple (Even Before the Destruction of the Second)
- The Sure Mercies of David
- Pre-Wrath vs Post-Trib
- After Two Days He Will Revive Us…
- The Apostolic Approach to Evangelism
- A Woman Shall Encompass a Man
- The Prophetic Timeline in Hosea – [VIDEO]
- Old Testament Proofs of Messiah’s Rejection by His Own
- More Thoughts on the Law
- The Timing of Ezekiel 38 and 39
- The Final Chapter of God’s Work [Audio]
- How Faith in Jesus Fulfills the Law Once and Forever
- Israel Today and Everlasting Security in the Land
- The 4th Beast of Daniel 8
- Reggie Kelly Testimony: The Anatomy of a Revelation [VIDEO]
- A Son Perfected Through Suffering: A Purified Bride Translated and Caught Up
- Untenable Tenets of the Dispensational System
- Restitution of All Things
- Daniel and the Big Picture [Transcript & AUDIO]
- The Timing of the Resurrection
- A Costly Neglect
- The High Cost of Following the Lamb Wheresoever He Goes
- The Purview of the Everlasting Covenant
- Israel Regathered in Unbelief
- Further Thoughts on Divine Right to the Land
- Millennial Safety
- The Blind Servant
- The Mystery of Iniquity [VIDEO]
- The Battle of the Veil [VIDEO]
- Contrasting Views on Israel and the Church
- Tribute to Philip Haney
- Questions on Revelation 3:10
- The Flight of the Jews
- How Close Are We? (Hosea 5:14 – 6:2)
- Lest We “Jump the Gun”
- How will we know when the final week has begun?
- The Plumbline of Simplicity [VIDEO]
- The Antichrist, the Millennium and the Kingdom
- Reggie Kelly at CBETS [VIDEO]
- Who Is the True Jew?
- Netanyahu’s Whirlwind Visit – A Sign of Urgency
- Critique of the Prewrath Position (by Brock Hollett) [VIDEO]
- Why the Jew?
- The Downfall of the Devil is in the Details of Daniel [VIDEO]
- The First Resurrection
- The Mystery of the Kingdom (& John the Baptist)
- Who is the Restrainer in 2 Thessalonians 2?
- The Stage is Not Yet Set: Critical Distinctions
- It is Finished
- Israel and the Church: Two Views
- ESV on Dan 9:25-26?
- A Tale of Four Temples: What the Prophets Knew and When They Knew It
- The Sign of the Sacrifice [VIDEO]
- The Signs Before THE Sign
- Israel’s Hope: Our Hope [VIDEO]
- Restoring the Context [VIDEO]
- Crucial Distinctions Regarding the “Church”
- Ye MUST Be Born Again
- Convocation 2022
- The Only True Doer
- Apocalyptic Evangelism Course (2002)
- Thoughts on the Mystery of Heavenly Hindrance
- The Purpose of the Millennium [VIDEO]
- A Revealed Righteousness
- He Will Regard the Prayer of the Destitute
- Is the Day of the LORD a Single Day?
- Who is the “profane wicked prince of Israel”?
- When Does Hosea’s “Two Days” Start?
- Paul’s Mystery of the Rapture
- How Do You Justify the Gap Between the 69th and 70th Week?
- Peace and Safety
- GFW – Ezekiel 36 – October 21, 2023
- What Kind of Bodies Will Israel Have in the Millennium?
- 2024 Online Convocation – The March of the Prophets
- Pinpointing the Day of the Lord
- The Everlasting Covenant in John 6
- The Glory of the Story Podcast [Audio]
- The Olivet Key to Daniel’s Prophecy of the End
- The Approaching Time of Jacob’s Trouble
- Jewish Wrestlings with the Tragedy of Exile
Articles (Static Pages)
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- Convocation 2010
- Convocation 2010
- Convocation 2011
- Convocation 2012
- Convocation 2013
- Convocation 2014
- Convocation 2015
- Convocation 2016
- Convocation 2017
- Convocation 2019
- Convocation 2020
- Convocation 2021
- Convocation 2022
- Convocation 2023
- Courses
- Graphics
- INDEX (Alphabetical Order)
- Israel Is To Be Restored (Ch. 15 of “Jesus is Coming”)
- KC Prophetical School 11-13-12
- Note: The Difference Between Pre-Mill and A-Mill
- Saved By Grace | by John Bunyan
- Search Mystery of Israel Site (with Google)
- Simple Layman #1: Summary
- The End-Time Church: What Will It Look Like? How Do We Get There? (by Fred London)
- Translations
- Weekly Bible Study
- Index of Posts
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